Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ways to keep fresh cut flowers last longer

Do you ever wonder how to keep your fresh flower last for a week or more?
Below are the secrets I have tried at home without buying  flower food. In caring for your fresh fowers, you have to make sure you do the following:

a) Place the flower onto a bucket of water or vase once you get home. Flowers that have been cut from it's stem needed a source of water right away.
b) Prepare any of the choices below for your flower and prepare them onto your choice of vase.
c) Remove all the leaves that will get into the water, this is one of the main reason why the flowers don't last. The leaves rot when wet.
d) Get a a sharp knife or a flower shear to cut 1 to 2 inches from the bottom of the stems in an angle for better water absorption. Using household scissor is not advisable in cutting flower stems.
e) Arrange the freshly cut flowers into your prepared vase.
f) Change the water regularly, every other day is usually advised. As you change the water, remember to cut 1 to 2 inches from the bottom of the stem.

Ways to keep your flowers last.

1.) Put a drop of bleach onto your vase. This keeps the water from getting cloudy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.

2.) Dissolve 3 tablespoon sugar and 2 tablespoon white vinegar per liter of water. When you fill the vase, make sure the cut stems are covered 3-4 inches of prepared water. The sugar nourishes the plants and the vinigar inhibit bacterial growth.

3.) Crushed one aspirin onto the water before putting your fresh flowers.

Do not spray water directly into the flowers. This lead to rotting of the petals and flowers won't last. Some flower shop spray their flowers with water to make them look fresher  but this is not advisable, although some flowers love being sprayed with water, remember this is not always the case for each type of flower.

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